Policies & procedures
Campus procedures
- Tardy policy
- Campuswide rules
- Outside lunch guidelines
- Student absences
- In-School Suspension Guidelines
- Parent compact
- Clear Backpack Policy
- New Panel
Tardy policy
- 1st Tardy - warning to student
- 2nd Tardy - warning to student and teacher contacts parents
- 3rd Tardy - teacher detention with parent contact
- 4th Tardy – teacher detention with parent contact
- 5th and Subsequent Tardies – office referral, parent notification and administrative -assigned consequences
Tardies will be set at zero to begin the 2nd semester.
Campuswide rules
Outside lunch guidelines
- Per the Garland ISD Reopening Guide:
- Food from home must be sent with students in the morning. No midday meal drop off will be allowed.
- Breakfast and lunch will be free for all students.
- Students and staff should bring their lunch to school with them each day or plan to select their meal from the school cafeteria. There will be no outside food deliveries allowed, including Door Dash, Uber Eats, pizza companies and other delivery services.
- Treats to celebrate student birthdays are not allowed in the cafeteria.
Student absences
If your child is absent, please make sure to turn in an excused absence note to attendance office or you can submit an electronic parent note through skyward family access. Excusing an absence is important, as the district grading guidelines require a point penalty on all make up assignments from an unexcused absence.
Please see the guidelines below to electronically enter an absent note for your student.
Parent instructions for guardian entered absent notes in Skyward
Parent instructions for guardian entered absent notes in Skyward- Spanish
In-School Suspension Guidelines
At Schrade, we have restructured our in-school suspension process to align with restorative practices and self-regulation for students. The Reflection Center, formally known as “ISS” or “RAC,” will be centered on self-reflection with an emphasis on changing student behavior patterns while seamlessly integrating content instruction.
Any student assigned to the Reflection Center and their guardian will meet with an administrator and be required to agree to the Schrade Reflection Center expectations.
Read below
Schrade Reflection Center Contract
Parent compact
Parent Compact Parent Compact 23-24
Clear Backpack Policy
In our ongoing effort to ensure a safer campus, Schrade Middle School will require clear or mesh backpacks for all students starting in the 2023-2024 school year. Students may carry a small (no larger than 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches), nonclear pouch in their backpack to hold personal items, such as cellphones, money, and hygiene products. All backpacks not meeting the criteria outlined above will be collected and kept in the school office where the student’s parent or guardian can pick them up. While we acknowledge a backpack policy alone does not ensure complete security, this proactive measure is just one measure to enhance student and campus safety.
New Panel
Student dress and grooming expectations
Our policy
In order to create and maintain a positive learning environment, promote the importance of a respectable appearance, prevent the disruption, interference with, or detraction from the educational environment and school activities, and to minimize health and safety hazards, we have developed the dress code and grooming expectations below. These expectations will be enforced during the school day and at all on-campus after school events. Failure to adhere to the established dress and grooming expectations will result in disciplinary action. The final determination of appropriate student dress and grooming shall rest with the principal and assistant principals. These expectations are subject to change.
ID badges must be worn at all times. The first ID badge will be provided free of charge. A fee of $3.00 per badge will be charged for additional badges. Admission to on-campus extra-curricular activities will not be permitted without an ID badge or a parent who stays for the duration of the event.
All clothing must extend to at most 2 inches above the knee: skirts, shorts, dresses, etc.
Tops must fall naturally below the belt loops. If not, tops must be layered so that this length is met. No midriffs should be visible at any time. Shirts should be long enough to be tucked in and remain that way.
Tops may not be low cut, off-the-shoulder, see-through, or strapless. Tank tops will not be permitted.
Leggings, biking shorts, spandex bottoms and/or yoga pants will not be permitted.
Undergarments (bras/underwear/boxers) are not to be visible at any time.
No torn/ripped/frayed/faux distressed clothing is allowed, even if skin is not visible underneath.
Shoes must be worn at all times. Flip flops, slides, Crocs, taps, metal plates, cleats, and wheels on shoes will not be permitted.
No apparel that advertises or depicts alcohol, drugs, nudity, tobacco products, satanic themes, gang membership, obscene language, obscene graphics, and/or that is offensive to others will be permitted.
No pajamas, robes, or house shoes/slippers are allowed.
Hooded shirts may be worn, but the hood cannot be worn over the student’s head at any time.
Hair must be clean, groomed, and out of the eyes.
Hats, caps, hoods, beanies, visors, scarves, bandanas, headwraps, bonnets, or other nonreligious head coverings should not be worn in the building.
Earrings are limited to the ears for all students. Facial and body piercings of any kind are prohibited. Earrings include clip earrings, pierced earrings or studs, or any item used as a post in a piercing.
No teeth grills are allowed.
No sunglasses are allowed.
No pillows or blankets are allowed.
No visible tattoos or body art (permanent or temporary) are allowed.
No large objects around the neck, ropes or cords as necklaces, spiked bracelets, chains that hang visibly outside the clothing, or any accessories, in general, that can be used as weapons are allowed.
For a printable copy, see our 2023-2024 Student Dress and Grooming.pdf
Cell phone and electronic devices
Our policy
For safety purposes, the district permits students to possess personal cellular telephones; however, these devices must be turned off and put away before students enter the building each day. These devices should remain off and put away until the students exit the building at the end of the school day.
In some cases, students may find it beneficial or might be encouraged to use personal
telecommunications or other personal electronic devices for instructional purposes while on
campus. Students must obtain prior approval before using personal telecommunications or other personal electronic devices for instructional use. Students must also sign a user agreement that contains applicable rules for use. When students are not using the devices for approved instructional purposes, all devices must be turned off and put away.
An authorized district employee may confiscate a personal telecommunications device,
including a cellular phone or other electronic devices being used in violation of district or campus rules. The device shall be turned in to the front office, and the office will do the following:
The parent shall be notified after the telecommunication or electronic device is
confiscated. Parents/guardians may pick up electronic devices Monday through Friday
from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A parent/guardian may retrieve the device without charge on the first infraction. Devices will not be released to students.
If confiscated a second time, the device must be retrieved by the parent for the student and an administrative fee of $15 will be charged for the return of the device.
Three violations may result in confiscation of the device for the remainder of the school
year. *An administrative fee of $15 will be charged for the return of the device.
Confiscated telecommunication or electronic devices shall be held by the district for 30
days after notification to the parent has been made. After the 30 day period has expired, the district shall dispose of the telecommunication or electronic device or cellular phone. Refer to Board Policy [FNCE (LOCAL)].
The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunication or electronic devices.
An authorized district employee may confiscate a personal telecommunications device,
including a cellular phone or other electronic devices being used in violation of district or campus rules. The device shall be turned in to the front office, and the office will do the following:
The parent shall be notified after the telecommunication or electronic device is
confiscated. Parents/guardians may pick up electronic devices Monday through Friday
from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A parent/guardian may retrieve the device without charge on the first infraction. Devices will not be released to students.
If confiscated a second time, the device must be retrieved by the parent for the student and an administrative fee of $15 will be charged for the return of the device.
Three violations may result in confiscation of the device for the remainder of the school
year. *An administrative fee of $15 will be charged for the return of the device.
Confiscated telecommunication or electronic devices shall be held by the district for 30
days after notification to the parent has been made. After the 30 day period has expired, the district shall dispose of the telecommunication or electronic device or cellular phone. Refer to Board Policy [FNCE (LOCAL)].
The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunication or electronic devices.
The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunication or electronic devices.
Online Student Services requests
Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, or request a transcript? It's easy to start common processes at home. Visit the Online Student Services page to get started.
If you have additional questions, please contact the campus data clerk.