
About the program

Band Directors: John Knagg and Gary Burch

The Sellers Shark Band program involves students that share an interest in instrumental music, creativity, and performing as a team. Students are encouraged to start band in the sixth grade as it takes time to gain proficiency on an instrument. Beginner Band is open to students in sixth and seventh grade and meets in classes of like instrument families. The beginner band classes combine for 2-3 annual concerts, and also perform each year at a festival.

Upon completing one year of beginning band students will audition for one our three advanced bands:

  • Concert Band

  • Symphonic Band

  • Honors Band

Each band has a corresponding level of rigor for each student. The advanced bands meet as a full group each day and perform concert band literature, pop music, and use enrichment methods to prepare them for various contests and concerts throughout the year. In these bands, students are also challenged to participate in instrument ensembles, all-district and all-region band competition, and perform solos on their instrument.  In addition to Concert, Symphonic and Honors Band, advanced band students may also participate in Pep Band and Jazz Band.

Our goal is that band students will grow as musicians and continue on in high school.

Shark fin with heartbeat as the waves. Text on photo "Shark Beat! Sellers Middle School Shark Band"

Join our band program

Photo of Shark Band students

For Beginning Band, students decide on instrument choices at one of our scheduled Instrument Test Drives. At these events, students try several different instruments and select the one that is the best fit for them.  The Instrument Test Drives are held in late April and May.  These events are by appointment only, and you can sign up for a 15 minute time slot on our Sellers Band Instrument Test Drive Sign Up page.  All instrument fittings will take place in the band hall at Sellers.  We look forward to having your student in our music programs!

Need more information?

Sellers Band

  • Do you have questions about the Shark Band?
  • Do you want to join the Band?

Please contact Mr. Knagg or Mr. Burch at (972) 494-8337 ext. 51416

Don't forget to follow us on: 

TWITTER:  @SellersMSBand

INSTAGRAM:  @SellersMSBand

Photo of Sellers Middle School Band students
Photo of Sellers Middle School Band students

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