
It is our mission to prepare students for college and career. To ensure college/career readiness SGHS offers amazing academic, signature, and CTE programs.


South partners with Eastfield College to offer Early College High School (ECHS).  This program will allow students to earn an Associates Degree at no cost while simultaneously earning a high school diploma. 

South is a part of the Dallas County Promise, which enables students to receive free college tuition

South also offers a variety of Dual Credit & AP Courses.

Signature programs

Our  signature programs allow students to graduate with a license or certification. They include Auto Body Collision Repair, Auto Technology, Cosmetology, and Welding. 

CTE Career & Technical Education

These CTE courses offer students an introduction to specific career areas and options for further education or immediate employment. 


2024-2025 Course Guides

Please visit the Course Guides page on the district website for current versions of the high school and middle school course guides.