Advanced Placement & Dual Credit
***Dual Credit: From GISD Academic Achievement Grading Policy, students enrolled in dual credit may not exempt a semester final. Students who choose to take an AP exam will still be responsible for taking the semester exam.***
Advanced Placement
AP Classes
Sachse High School offers advanced placement courses in a wide variety of subjects. Students enrolled in these college-level courses may take an examination in the spring, the results of which are used by many colleges and universities to award college credit.
For more information about AP classes, syllabi, and exams please go to the College Board site.
Below are the class offerings for Advanced Placement courses at Sachse High School.
AP Exam Registration
Taking the Advanced Placement exams is an important part of all AP courses. Sachse High School desires that all students take AP exams for the AP classes that they are enrolled in. Scoring well on an AP exam can often earn students college credit for their high school class, saving a significant amount on tuition.
For AP Exams, students will be registering online through AP College Board using the student's myAP College Board account.
Garland ISD Advanced Academics will pay all exams fees for students who commit to taking AP exams.
Any student who registers for an exam and does not take it, will be charged a $40 restocking fee.
Please contact your AP teacher or Adam Varrassi if you have any questions.
Dual Credit
Dual Credit Classes
Dual credit classes allow you to earn high school and college credit at the same time. Dual credit classes are taken on our Sachse High School campus through Dallas College, free of charge. Garland ISD will no longer offer combined AP/DC classes.
The Texas Success Initiative (TSIA2) requires testing and advising of students who attend a public college or university. Students must complete an application and take the TSIA2 Assessment in order to qualify. There is a deadline for application and testing. Some students may be exempt from TSIA2 through EOC, SAT, and/or ACT. More information regarding exemptions can be found at Dallas College TSI Program.
A dual credit course is a college level course. Students with great time management skills, strong study skills, and a willingness to work can be successful in these courses.
Will dual credit courses transfer to other colleges and universities?
Check with potential colleges regarding their policy on dual credit courses.
How can I enroll in dual credit courses?
If you are interested in taking dual credit classes next year, please stop by the counseling office to speak with your counselor and pick up an application. Students can also check their Canvas Class page for more information.
AP and DC Information Session
AP and DC Information Session
Advanced placement and dual credit classes both offer students the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school.
Would you like to know more about AP & DC classes?
Differences between the two
Magnet/Early College program requirements
Course Drop policies & procedures
Join us Monday, January 13th at 6:00 PM in the Sachse High School Cafeteria to learn more. Parents and students are welcome!
For more information regarding this session, please email Mrs. McCall.