Clubs & Organizations
Academic clubs
Academic Decathlon & Octathlon
About the club
Academic Decathlon (11-12 grade) and Octathlon (9-10 grade) offer students a class in which they can explore and learn about many exciting new topics while meeting new people. Students will compete at competitions throughout the school year to showcase their knowledge in each of the this year's course topics.
"AcDec" is an elective course at SHS and provides honors credit toward students' GPA. Moreover, participation in AcDec looks great on college applications and can even provide you with scholarship opportunities. Students of all grades and capabilities are encouraged to join, as long as they are willing to participate and do the work.
This year’s topic is "Our changing Climate." We will study art and music across centuries that explores the environment and natural world; an introduction to the environmental science; the past and present of climate change; and a thematic section on the economics of climate change. In addition, we will read and study the novel "Solar Storms" by Linda Hogan, with several other shorter selected works. We will also cover a mathematics section that includes permutations, combinations, algebra, and an intro to statistics. Students in Decathlon will also participate in Speech and Interview, through which they will be able to write and perform their own speech and gain valuable experience through mock interviews.
Academic Decathlon and Octathlon are 2-semester courses during the A2 class period (9:07 AM - 10:39 AM).
BETA club
About the club
Beta Club is a service organization. Members are invited to join after receiving 3 nominations from faculty members during the Spring. Eleventh and Twelfth graders may be members (Sophomores may be nominated at the end of sophomore year for the following year). Members complete service projects on and off campus and are developing leadership skills as well as promoting useful causes through their service work.
Makeup Beta Club Meetings
Make up meetings are available on the Thursday following the meeting date every month. Make up meetings begin at 7:00 AM in Room 100.
By-Laws of the National Senior Beta Club
This chapter of the National Beta Club will meet 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:45.
The classes from which members may be drawn will be grades 11-12.
The scholastic requirements for membership will be a 3.0 or above.
The officers to be elected for this club will be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and historian. The officers should be members from the previous year.
Each member must complete 5 service hours per semester to remain in the club. At least one (1) of those five hours each semester must be in service to Sachse High School or another GISD school.
Service hours must be reported to the Vice-President on or before the last day of the term.
If a student is dropped from membership, it should be reported to the National Beta Club office immediately. If the student is reinstated, he or she will not be required to pay the national membership fee again.
A member may be dropped from membership for the following reasons:
Absence without justifiable reason from 3 regular meetings.
Scholastic record falls below a 3.0. However, no member will be dropped for scholastic deficiency without being accorded a probationary period of one term.
Failure to complete 3 service hours during any term.
For moral or disciplinary reasons.
- President: Jacob Le
- Officers:
- Evie Ayers
- Vittoria Fiorini
- Natalee Guico
- Dallas Nelson
Anticipated Beta Club Meetings for 2024-2025
(Dates are subject to change)
These meetings are after school at 3:00pm in the SHS Library (by the windows).
Dates |
January 14, 2025 |
February 11, 2025 |
March 11, 2025 |
April 8, 2025 |
May 13, 2025 |
Make up meeting are available on the Thursday following the meeting date in every month. Make up meeting begin at 7:00 am in room 100.
National Honor Society
Information about N.H.S.
NHS is a service oriented organization that works to create enthusiasm for scholarship, promote leadership, develop character and encourage citizenship.
Students have until August 31, 2024 to apply.
Membership Requirements
- Must be a junior or a senior to join NHS
- Must maintain an unweighted GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. If students falls below the 3.0 mark he/she will be given a probationary semester to bring GPA back up to a 3.5.
- All members are asked to perform 15 hours of volunteer service to SHS or their community per semester. (New members are only required to complete 10 hours the first semester due to time constraints) 1st year members = 25 hours per year, returning members = 30 hours per year.
- Members must display a measure of conduct and citizenship that is in compliance with the NHS tradition and expectation. Our goal as a society is to act as role models to the student body in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character.
The first Thursday after school and Friday before school in the library (unless stated otherwise on the NHS Canvas page).
- ASL Honor Society
- International Thespian Society
- Key Club
- Mustang Report
- Mu Alpha Theta
- Peer to Peer
- Robotics
- Spanish National Honor Society
- Speech and Debate Team
- Student Council
- Texas Association of Future Educators
ASL Honor Society
About the organization
ASL Honor Society (ASLHS) is an organization that leads ASL club in growing in the language of ASL, the culture of the deaf community, and recognizes outstanding academic achievement in ASL studies. Students must be currently enrolled in ASL, and completed 2 or more years of ASL. In addition to this, they must meet the GPA requirements, and be involved in ASL club.
Every Monday from 3:00 - 3:30 PM in room 228.
Combined with ASL Club.
Leadership team
Alyssa Browder
Jaycee McKelvey
Addison Collins
Peyton Dorcas
Mikayla Dagohoy
Natalie Gomez
GPA 3.0+ in general course work
GPA 3.5+ in ASL Coursework
3+ years of ASL Coursework
5+ hours of deaf community service hours to maintain membership
Find us
Instagram: @Sachse.asl
X: @AslSachse
Our Mission
Sachse DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
Guiding Principles
DECA enhances the co-curricular education of members through a comprehensive learning program that integrates into classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business and promotes competition.
DECA’s activities assist in the development of academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, experienced leaders.
DECA’s Core Values are Competence, Integrity, Teamwork and Innovation.
Sachse DECA is a FAMILY.
Enrollment in Marketing or Business courses during the current or previous school years.
Attend meetings and participate in community service and fundraising activities.
Participate in competitive events.
Pay chapter, state, and national dues by due date ($45 total per school year).
Represent our chapter in a professional manner at all times.
Member perks
Field trips to various local sporting events and theme parks.
Community service opportunities
DECA Chapter and Competition T-shirts
Competitive Event practice and support
Competitions at the District, State, and International levels
Meet new friends along the way!
2024-2025 Leadership Team
President: Daniel Springman
Vice President: Christopher Vu
Vice President - Leadership/SBE: Amir Bland
Vice President - Career Development: Elise Lawlar
Vice President - Marketing: Aryanna Merriweather
Vice President - Hospitality: Alaina Stovall
Vice President - Community: Matthew Stribley
Chris Fleming
Cecile Alexander
Zafrin Rabbee
All meetings 3:00PM in the Library
Wednesday 8/14/2024 (First Meeting)
Monday 8/19/2024 (Second First Meeting)
Wednesday 9/11/2024
Wednesday 10/9/2024
Wednesday 11/13/2024
Wednesday 12/11/2024
Wednesday 1/15/2025
Wednesday 2/12/2025
Wednesday 3/12/2025
Wednesday 4/9/2025
Wednesday 5/14/2025
Find Us
X (Formerly Twitter): @SachseDECA
Instagram: @SachseDECA
About FCA
Fellowship of Christian Athletes focuses on teaching the bible and accountability to young adults with a focus on athletes.
Coach Patterson and Coach Burrow
X (formerly Twitter): @SachseFCA
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (F.C.C.L.A.) is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences Education as determined by the State Department of Education.
President: Danely Garza Garcia
Meets once a month as announced. To join Remind, text @cebdkd to 81010 and/or join our Google Classroom for more information, our code is 5pxc0u.
About FFA
FFA is a dynamic youth organization within agricultural education that changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
Be enrolled in a least one Agricultural Science and Technology course during the school year.
Show an interest in the association by attending meetings, striving for degrees of membership, and participating in other organized activities of the chapter.
Pay all current District, Area, State and National dues by the date determined by the chapter (all together $30 per school year or $20 for Junior members).
Represent your chapter in the best possible way at all times.
Member perks
Show animal projects
Use of GISD barn
FFA jacket
Compete in leadership and career development contests
Fieldtrips to stock shows
Fieldtrips to contests
Awesome new friends and learning experiences
Officers for 2024-2025
President: Cassy McEntee
VP: Scott White
Secretary: Jacky Munoz
Treasurer: Conner Bailey
Reporter: Brooklyn White
Sentential: Ephrem Ivy
Advisors and Ag Teachers
Nicole Harper-Hohenberger and Justin Browne
For dates listen for announcements, check our social media or come by room 1013.
Our Mission
H.O.S.A. (Health Occupations Students of America
Texas Association) exists to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science technology education students, therefore, helping students to meet the needs of the health care community.
Our Vision
To make friends and have fun while polishing leadership skills and promoting healthy living.
H.O.S.A. Graduation Cord Requirements
In order to receive a cord from HOSA, the Sachse Senior must comply with the following requirements and pay the fee for the cord.
The student must:
Be an active HOSA member for at least two years
Have competed for at least two years
Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
Complete the required 28 service hours (12 of which have to be through HOSA)
Attend the majority of meetings (can only miss 3)
Must complete 10 study hours for competition (which is separate from the volunteer hours) by the designated deadline
HOSA officers
President: Jenny Nguyen
Vice President: McKenna Armstrong
Co-Vice President: Gabriel Cuaresma
Secretary: Miriam Damsa
Reporter: Abigail Damsa
Historian: Elizabeth Varghese
HOSA meetings are held once a month on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 AM in the library with a makeup meeting on Thursday at 3:00 PM in room 173.
Find us
X (formerly Twitter): @SachseHOSA
Facebook: Sachse High School HOSA
International Thespian Society
About the organization
International Thespian Society, or ITS, is an organization that recognizes and celebrates theatre excellence. Sachse Mustang Theatre is home to ITS Troupe #6712, which theatre students may join to keep themselves informed and involved in the many theatrical events occurring at Sachse High School. Look for information on the call board or the website about upcoming activities.
President: Alaina Stovall
Vice President: Mary Demisse
Secretary: Juliann Nguyen
Publicist: Tianna Ma
Historian: Reonna Mathis
Treasurer: Caroline King
Scene Shop Foreman: Asher Dollarhide
Auditorium Manager: Braulio Pena
Meetings are determined by officers and are usually held after 3:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each Month.
Booster club meetings
Any parents that would like to get more info about joining our Booster Club, please email our Sachse Mustang Theatre Boosters.
Purchase Tickets
We are thrilled to offer online ticketing for all SHS Theatre Productions.
We still offer ticket sales at the door, but only online purchases allow you to choose your seats and/or use a credit card.
Check with director for information.
SHS Directors
Mr. Sean McGuire, Theatre Director
Mr. Murdock, Technical Theatre Director
Find us
X (formerly known as Twitter): @sachsetheatre
Instagram: @sachsemustangtheatre
Facebook: Sachse Mustang Theatre Boost Club
Key Club
About Key Club
Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership skills.
Key Club Officers
President: Cindy Le
Vice President: Jenny Nguyen
Secretary: Miriam Damsa
Treasurer: Marwa Abushanab
Club Editor/Historian: Mahlet Habtegebrial
Webmaster: Gabriel Cuaresdma
Co-editor: Amber Nguyen
To join, students must complete a membership form found outside of rom 187 and pay a $20 annual membership fee.
Students must attend 6 out of 9 meetings. For seniors to receive a graduation cord, you must be part of Key club for 2 years and complete 50 hours of service per year. Or as a first-year senior, complete 75 hours of service your senior year.
Meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Morning meetings are at 7:00 AM in Room 187.
Afternoon meetings are at 3:00 PM in the library.
November 20 is the last meeting before Thanksgiving Break!
Mustang Report
About the program
The Mustang Report is Sachse High School's Student News which is student lead. Students record and edit the report to be played for the entire school every Friday. All students are welcome to attend the club and see how a newsroom on a deadline runs.
To be part of the program, see Mr. Hawkins in room 172 for more information.
Every Thursday at 2:52 PM in room 172 until that week’s Mustang Report is done to make the deadline.
Technical Director: Chad Granstaff
Creative Director: Evi Coventry
Find us
Instagram: @shsmustangreport
Mu Alpha Theta
About the club
Mu Alpha Theta is an organization dedicated to promoting scholarships in mathematics. It is also dedicated to establishing math as an integral part of high school and junior college education. If you share the same mathematical outlook, come join us in the library on our meeting days listed below!
All meetings are in the library from 3:00 - 4:00 PM.
September 19 -
October 31
November 21
January 30
February 20
March 26
April 17
President: Ethan Massey
Vice President: Brandon Van
Secretary: Daniel Springman
Treasurer: Dax Frias
Peer to Peer
About the club
Looking to make new friends and share your thoughts on common topics all while having fun? Then the Peer to Peer Club is for you! There will be snacks, games, and a chance for you to meet new people in a judgment free zone. It is always a safe place for support, advice, and building friendships. All are welcome!
There will also be opportunities for participating in a service project, possible fundraiser(s) and social outings outside of school, and developing leadership skills. For more information, check out our club's presentation!
Peer to Peer club meets every other Wednesday in room 261 from 3:00 - 4:00 PM.
About the program
Teams build robots to compete against other teams across the state and throughout the world. Here at Sachse we have several world class teams that are designing, building, programming, and driving robots to meet the game requirements and goals of this year's VEX competition, "Tower Takeover". The teams will compete locally during the robotics season, then will move on to compete at the state level.
Each year VEX promotes a competition event that requires brainstorming and engineering skills of each team member so that the robot can be successful. During each two minute match, the robot will operate for 15 seconds during the autonomous mode, then will be driven by one team member for the remaining minute and 45 seconds of the match. Four teams will compete, two of them marked as the "blue" alliance and two marked as the "red" alliance. The goal of the match is to score as many points as possible and more than the opposing alliance.
For more information about the class, please see the Robotics section on academics page of the website.
Informal meetings occur in room 164 on a team by team basis. Each team works on their robot either in the classroom either during class or after school, and it is common for the robots to go to one of the team member's homes when the team wants to meet outside the classroom.
Spanish National Honor Society
About the club
The Spanish National Honor Society is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish. The purpose of this organization is to recognize the high achievement of students in Spanish. A healthy appreciation for Spanish culture shall be cultivated while the organization strives to promote scholarship, encourage comradery, and develop leadership amongst its members.
We meet the first Wednesday of every month from 3:00 - 4:00 PM.
Email the sponsor below about where meetings will take place.
Speech and Debate Team
About the organization
The Speech and Debate Team encompasses the skills learned in debate classes to compete at local high school tournaments. The team also uses these events to practice and prepare for the UIL Academic Competition in the spring semester.
For more information, please email Christopher Smith.
Our captain is Jackson Redden!
In order to be a member of the Speech and Debate Team, students must be enrolled in at least one of the following classes:
Debate 1
Debate 2
Debate 3
Student Council
Student Council
2024-2025 Student Council Officers:
President: Connie Duong
Vice President: Jennifer Nguyen
Brenda Loza
Sophia Olalde Taylor
Beilul Mehretab
Vienna Duong
Brandon Van
Homecoming Dance
Cotillion & Awards Ceremony
Can food drives
Spirit Homecoming week
Teens in the Drivers Seat
March of Dimes
Blood Drives
School contests & school spirit promotion
Christmas service projects (Elementary Christmas Party, etc.)
Student Council Meetings
All meetings will be held at 3:00 PM in the library.
Meeting dates:
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
Texas Association of Future Educators
Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE)
"The Hope for Tomorrow!" TAFE (pronounced "taffy") is a co-curricular statewide non-profit student organization created to allow young men and women an opportunity to explore the teaching profession. The organization was created to provide the best and brightest high school and middle school students in Texas with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions about pursuing careers in education. TAFE is sponsored by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and is governed by a board of directors comprised of teachers, students and principals.
TAFE is for any student who is interested in becoming a teacher. Students who join TAFE, participate in service projects, community activities, participate in regional, state, and national competitions. TAFE is affiliated with Educators Rising, which hosts the national competition every year.
To learn more about TAFE
To learn more about Educators Rising
Our meetings are the fourth Tuesday of every month in room 180 at 3:00 PM.
Abbi Morse
Andrea Gonzalez
Addie MacDonald
Makenna Rowan
Reese Bryant
Audri Moore
Sam Stark
Rayna Stuart
Sponsor and Club Meetings
Find us
Instagram: @sachsefti
Visit our website!
Other clubs
- Anime club
- American Sign Language
- Art Club
- Asian American Association
- ASL Club
- AVID Club
- Badminton Club
- Black Student Association
- Bowling club
- Card and Board Game Club
- Chess club
- D.O.L.L.S.
- Guitar Club
- JOTS (Johnny On The Spot)
- K-Dance Club
- Martial Arts club
- Marvel (Comic Book) club
- Multicultural club
- Pickleball Club
- Sachse Writers and Poets (SWAP)
- Spanish Club
Anime club
About the club
Anime Club is committed to broadening understanding of Japanese culture by watching, sharing, and discussing anime. Some upcoming special events include anime conventions, movie screenings, guest speakers, and much more.
The club meets every Friday from 3:00 - 4:00 PM in room 167.
President: Evelyn Lainez
Vice President: Ashley McGrath
Secretary: Tiffany Vo
Marketing: Alex Mgugyen
Find us
Visit our webpage!
American Sign Language
ASL overview
American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual language used by the deaf community of the United States of America. An ASL user communicates through the shape, placement, and movement of hands in addition to facial expressions and body movements. ASL is not based off of spoken English. It has its own unique set of grammar rules, idioms, historical context, and cultural differences.
ASL class
This course is only offered in class at Sachse High School in GISD. Through this course an ASL student will learn the basics of American Sign Language. Students will start at ASL level 1 and can go up to ASL level 4 (3 and 4 are honors level).
ASL club
Students may also join the ASL Club. It is a place where students share the collective of learning and understanding the language of ASL. We meet to discuss and participate in Deaf culture activities, as well as learn how to connect to the deaf community. Club members may also sign for different school events such as Homecoming, the multicultural assembly, and other events throughout the year.
ASL club meets every Monday from 3:00 - 3:30 PM in RM 228.
Leadership team
Alyssa Browder
Jaycee McKelvey
Addison Collins
Peyton Dorcas
Mikayla Dagohoy
Natalie Gomez
Careers in ASL
ASL Teacher
Deaf Educator
Health Care Provider
Occupational Rehabilitation Therapist
Speech Therapist
Student and Teacher Advocate
Video Relay Provider
More information
Sachse.asl on Instagram
@AslSachse on X
Art Club
About the club
Sachse Art Club is meant to provide creative and artistic opportunities after school. Art Club members participate in individual, school-wide, and community-based art projects, which will increase each student’s confidence as well as help, develop a sense of school and community pride. Students will be building leadership, teamwork, social skills, building self-esteem, and critical thinking skills, which will help students not only in the art club but when they continue their education in post education atmosphere.
First 2 visits are free, so come check it out! On your third visit, we ask you to register if you will continue to come. Registration is $20. This helps to cover the cost of refreshments and art supplies used. We also encourage all members to buy a club t-shirt but it is not required. We wear them on Thursdays and to special events. $20 for a t-shirt.
Art club meets every Thursday until 4:00 PM in room 188.
President: Catherine Durham
Vice President: Kathryn Guico
Treasurer: Korrigan Sampley
Secretary: Caci Woodward
Find Us
FaceBook: Sachse Art Club
Asian American Association
About the club
A place to learn about Asian culture, appreciate history, and create a strong community.
President: Tamanh Khuu
Vice President: Sidney Mallari
Treasurer: Ivanna Vipinraj
Publicist: Vy Nguyen
Last Wednesdays of each month unless stated otherwise.
Meeting times are from 3:00 - 4:00 PM in Room 167
Find Us
Instagram @saaachse
ASL Club
About the club
ASL (American Sign Language) club is a place where students share the collective goal in learning and understanding the language of ASL. We meet to discuss and participate in Deaf culture activities, as well as, learn how to connect to the deaf community.
Every Monday from 3:00 - 3:30 PM in room 228.
Combined with ASL Honor Society.
Leadership team
Alyssa Browder
Jaycee McKelvey
Addison Collins
Peyton Dorcas
Mikayla Dagohoy
Natalie Gomez
Find us
Instagram: @Sachse.asl
X: @AslSachse
About the club
AVID Club provides academic and social support to help students excel in all classes. We emphasize leadership, community service, and college and career readiness, empowering students to achieve their goals, contribute positively to their communities, and thrive beyond the classroom. Everyone is invited to join our club, so come see what we're all about!
President: Imanol Matos Colón
Vice President: Lukas Hernandez
Secretary: Phu Pham
Historian: Logan Winn
We meet one Monday every month at 2:55 PM in room 293.
Each Monday meeting will be announced over the intercom during second period. You can also always contact our club sponsor for meeting dates.
Badminton Club
About the club
Whether you're a seasoned player or just looking to pick up a racquet for the first time, this is the perfect place for you. Our club is all about fostering a fun and inclusive environment where members can improve their badminton skills, connect with others, and build lasting friendships. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to develop valuable teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. Throughout the year, we'll host a variety of events and activities, and by the end of the year, we will host a competition against another school. Most importantly, this club is about enjoying the game, having fun, and supporting each other as we grow together both on and off the court. Come join us and be part of a great community!
President: Jaslene Ang
Vice President: Mia Casas
Secretary: Thinh Phan
Historian: Andrew Limon
Social Media: Emily Carrizales
We will meet every Tuesday from 3:00 to 4:30 PM in the Annex.
We will split into groups: one group will stay in the Annex to play badminton, while the other group will head to the tennis courts. This way, everyone gets a chance to play and practice!
This could be subject to change, so please continuously check on the Canvas page and Instagram.
Find us
Instagram: @Sachsebadminton
Canvas: Mr. Thomas’s room (144) has posters to scan to join the class.
Black Student Association
About the club
The SHS Black Student Association exists, in service to the student body and community at large, to allow students to gain exposure to African & African American customs, culture, issues and interests.
It organizes and hosts activities, events, and fundraisers which target the edification, education and celebration of African-American culture.
Our focus is four-fold:
A – Academic
C – Civic
E - Educational
S – Social
Membership Qualifications
All members of BSA must be respectful, work well with others, and abide by the given rules. They must also fully understand the purpose and goal of the organization and be willing to participate in all (or most) club activities, following the standard SHS Code of Conduct.
Students must also meet the eligibility criteria:
Minimum 2.5 Cumulative GPA
Minimum 3 years active membership in BSA (per attendance logs, field trip, activity rosters, and/or BSA Sponsor verification) OR 2 years as an elected BSA officer
25 total community service hours with at least 5 hours of service earned outside of any SHS organization(s) (e.g. animal shelter volunteer, church/ministry volunteer, election worker, city Youth Council, Meals on Wheels, etc.
No AEC placements
We meet every second and fourth Thursday of every month in the library at 3:00 PM.
If those Thursday's are unavailable on the calendar due to extenuating circumstances, the club sponsors will inform members of other meeting dates.
BSA Graduation Cord
In recognition of active BSA participation and service, as well as good citizenship, students may earn a graduation cord to be worn as part of their approved senior graduation regalia.
BSA Community Service Logs may be picked up from any of the BSA Sponsors and are due at the time that the graduation cord application is submitted.
Mr. William Miller
Ms. Cherise McCall
Ms. Shannon Johnson
Ms. Collette Parker
Bowling club
About the club
If you love to bowl and want to meet new people, join Bowling Club. All are welcome!
Our Team Captain is Jake Perry.
There is a $15 try out fee and a $150 fee for the entire season, which is October to February.
You may purchase your own ball and shoes if you would like.
You will need to purchase a bowling jersey for tournaments.
We meet at Bowlero Garland every Thursday from 5:30-7:30 to practice.
For more information, please go to room 140.
Card and Board Game Club
About the club
Whether you are a casual or die-hard player, this club is for students who love and want to play card and board games! Join us to play with friends and make new ones along the way! We also host 3 DnD campaigns for all levels.
We meet bi-weekly (beginning 9/23) on Monday, from 3:00 - 4:30 PM in the Library.
Chess club
About the club
DOLLS (Daughters of our Loving Lord & Savior) is a Girls Bible Study and Worship.
Kristen Garcia
Avery Steward
Amsi Orozco
Megan Hammond
Ariana Lopez-Camacho
We meet on Tuesdays from 3:00 - 4:00 PM in room 180 or room 228. (We switch every other week). Please email Sone of the leadership team or sponsors to join the DOLLS Canvas page for more information and announcements.
Lisa Sanborn (RM 180)
Kristina Sedberry (RM 228)
Guitar Club
About the club
Enjoy playing the guitar or want to learn? Come joins us! We accept guitar players of all levels as well as all musicians. If you enjoy guitar and music, this is the club for you. Feel free to bring your guitar and let's play!
We meet every Monday until 3:50 PM in room 172.
JOTS (Johnny On The Spot)
About the club
Johnny On The Spot, or J.O.T.S., is Sachse's comedy improv troupe sporting 30 of our most comedic students. Most shows are Thursdays or Fridays after school at 3:00 PM in the Little Theater. Look for information on the call board located on the TV outside the Little Theatre or bulletin board.
President: Samuel Vera
Vice President: Madison Henderson
Secretary: Tye Baker
Publicist: Olivia Ratcliff
Historian: Jayme Cruz
Most shows are Thursdays or Fridays after school at 3:00 PM in the Little Theater. Look for information on the call board located on the TV outside the Little Theatre or bulletin board.
K-Dance Club
About the club
K-Dance Club is for those who love the music genre of K-Pop! If you enjoy the music, singing, and dancing of K-Pop artists, then you should consider looking into our organization.
Phoebe Chem
Robyn Garcia
Erica Wright
Shyann Goodwin
Vy Nguyen
Brian Nguyen
We meet in Dance Room 506 during A5.
Find us
Instagram: @skd_sachsekdance
Martial Arts club
About the club
The purpose of the Martial Arts Club is to provide opportunities for students of Sachse High School to learn about, and participate in, the Martial Arts and self defense world. The team competes in local and state tournaments also they have the opportunity to get in the state ranking. Students will actively and safely train in Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, and Self-Defense.
Every Tuesday until 4:00 PM outside of room 221 (in the hall).
First meeting of the 2024-25 school year will be in Semester 2.
Spanish Teacher
Find us
Go to our website for more information!
Marvel (Comic Book) club
About the club
Marvel (also called, Comic Book) Club provides students with the opportunity to explore their interests in superhero/villain related media (like the Marvel Cinematic Universe) with fellow students who share those same interests. Throughout the year, the club holds many activities, such as club parties, and have many recurring members that create a family!
Marvel Club meets every Tuesday in RM 1027 until 3:30 PM.
Jacquelyn Scheible (secondary)
Multicultural club
About the club
We are a diverse club of people reaching out to show the greatness of all of our differences in one club. We celebrate the differences of various nationalities at Sachse High School by exploring multiple cultures, food, unique characteristics, languages, flags, and more! We also like to dance and eat. If you're open to learning about and experiencing new cultures, this is the club for you!
We meet every Thursday until 4:00 PM in room 1006.
The Multicultural Assembly is on February 6, 2025 during B10.
Ayesha Zafar
Samira Dhatt
Ava Melton
Thinh Phan
Pickleball Club
About the club
SHS Pickleball Club is a fun and active way to let loose and play a spirited game with friends! All are welcome and if your have your own paddle, even better! Supplies are limited, but shirts are coming soon!
Pickleball Club meets every Thursday from 3:00 - 4:00 PM at the Tennis Courts.
Amir Bland
Taylor Kin
Christopher Vu
Deven Tharasena
Find us
Instagram: @sachsehspickleball
You can scan the QR code on the flyer outside of room 2006 to join the Canvas page.
Sachse Writers and Poets (SWAP)
About the club
Do you like creative writing? Do you want a safe place to express your creative freedom? And discuss what story you're reading or watching? Then S.W.A.P. is perfect for you!
Email the primary sponsor below for more information.
Erin Hobbs (secondary)
Spanish Club
About the club
Are you interested in learning more about the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures? Join the SHS Spanish Club!
The Spanish Club is an environment outside of the classroom where those who have a passion for Spanish-speaking culture can get together, participate in activities, and meet other like-minded students. By joining the Spanish Club, you can celebrate Hispanic holidays, learn about different customs, and experience the food, music and art of Spanish-speaking countries.
Everyone is welcome!
We meet every Thursday until 4:00 PM in room 222.
President: Stephanie Lanten Garcia
Vice President: Bryana Solis