Choir Booster
Sachse High School Choir Booster Club
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
Monday, September 23rd @ 7pm - Sachse HS Choir Room
Monday, January 13th @ 7pm - Sachse HS Choir Room
Monday, March 10th @ 7pm - Sachse HS Choir Room
Sachse High School Choir Booster Club Board Members
Sachse High School Choir Booster Club Board
President: Cheryl Douglas -
Treasurer: Kandice Evans
Secretary: Lisa Rowan -
VP of Membership: Amber Mullins -
VP of Fundraising: Amy Offer -
Hospitality: Jennifer McKelvey -
Member-at-Large: Carolina Brambila -
Uniform Chair: Tiffany Phelps -
There is a choral ensemble for every student at SHS regardless of their experience or age. Directors will assess student ability and ensemble balance throughout the year. Students may be re-auditioned before the Winter break for class changes beginning in the Spring semester.
Treble Choir – Non-auditioned group for all students, grades 9-12. These choirs perform at all choir concerts throughout the year, and may participate in UIL adjudicated activities. Emphasis is placed on the basics of music theory and literacy, with a special emphasis on the basic knowledge of solfege and sight-reading.
Women’s Chorale/Men's Chorale – These choirs are the advanced training choirs at Sachse High School, composed of approximately 50 singers per choir. Membership is open to students in grades 9-12. Focus is placed on vocal development, advanced sight-reading skills, and ensemble preparation at a high level.
Bella Voce – Auditioned choir for all treble voices, grades 9-12. Membership is approximately 50 singers.
Students participating in this group will prepare for UIL Choir Concert and Sight-Reading Assessment, as well as all public concerts with a continued emphasis on music literacy (in a variety of styles, languages, and voicing such as 3 and 4-parts), sight-reading skills, and offering opportunities for a wide range of music performances. This choir may combine with other choirs for other choral performances throughout the school year.
A Cappella – this is the varsity choral ensemble at Sachse High School. Membership is open to all students in grades 10-12 through an audition in the Spring of the previous year, or through approval of the Director of Choirs. Membership is limited to approximately 60-70 singers.
The choir rehearses on Monday evenings from January through April in separate Varsity Treble and Varsity Tenor Bass choirs. Music study includes exploration and performance of four part music and advanced repertoire in all styles and time periods, along with a continued emphasis on sight-reading, solfege, and rhythm skills. This ensemble participates in all UIL music contests and tours each spring.
Mane Attraction – This ensemble is a mixed contemporary a cappella and chamber choir ensemble. Membership is open to all choir students, grades 10-12, through audition in the previous Spring (limited to approximately 16-20 students). Students in this ensemble display the highest levels of musicianship in sight-reading, improvisation, and showmanship. Rehearsals are held after school throughout the school year. They annually participate in the GISD Chamber Choir Festival and UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest, and produce an annual Madrigal Dinner. The Mane Attraction received Superior ratings at the American Classics Madrigal and Chamber Choir Festival in San Antonio (2007, 2012, 2014, 2017 & 2022), were selected to receive a “Performance of Distinction” at the American Classics Madrigal and Chamber Choir Festival (2012, 2014 & 2022), and have been selected as the overall winner at the Texas Renaissance Festival’s Early Music Competition (2008).
Spur of the Moment – This ensemble is a treble contemporary a cappella and chamber choir ensemble. Membership is open to all treble voices, grades 9-12, through audition in the Fall (limited to 16-24 students). Students in this ensemble display the highest levels of musicianship in sight-reading, improvisation, and showmanship. Rehearsals are held after school throughout the school year.
Social Media
Choir Director - Kristin Poligala