Theatre Arts

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Contact information

Mr. Sean McGuire
Mr. Joseph Murdock
ITS #6712 Officers 2023-2024
  • President: Alaina Stovall
  • Vice President: Mary Demisse
  • Secretary: Juliann Nguyen
  • Publicist: Tianna Ma
  • Historian: Reonna Mathis
  • Treasurer: Caroline King
  • Scene Shop Foreman: Asher Dollarhide
  • Auditorium Manager: Braulio Pena
Follow us on Social Media:
SHS Twitter


Campus Store - St. John Bosco High School @sachsemustangtheatre

Fixtures and results | Scottish Rugby Union Sachse Mustang Theatre Booster Club

Past productions

  • Sachse School of Screams: Silver Screen Edition: 10/27 & 10/28

Sachse Mustang Theatre proudly presented the annual Haunted House at Sachse High School. Nearly 200 people, including theatre students, directors, parents, and community members collaborated to create a fully immersive and extremely frightening haunted house that includes every fear imaginable.  There were a plethora of rooms, exhibits, and attractions designed to strike fear into the hearts and minds of every guest. Consider coming to next year's Haunted House at Sachse High School!

  • Frozen Musical: 01/27 & 01/28 at 7:00 PM in the Sachse HS auditorium

Sachse Mustang Theatre proudly presented and performed the well-known and loved Disney movie, Frozen, with spectacular sets and incorporated new songs for two nights!

International Thespian Society (ITS #6712)

International Thespian Society, or ITS, is an organization that recognizes and celebrates theatre excellence. Sachse Mustang Theatre is home to ITS Troupe #6712, which theatre students may join to keep themselves informed and involved in the many theatrical events occurring at Sachse High School. Meetings are determined by officers and are usually held after 3:00PM. Look for information on the call board or the website about upcoming activities. 

Johnny On The Spot (JOTS)

Johnny On The Spot, or J.O.T.S., is Sachse's comedy improv troupe sporting 30 of our most comedic students. Most shows are Thursdays or Fridays after school, 3 p.m. in the Little Theater. Look for information on the call board located on the TV outside the Little Theatre or bulletin board.

JOTS Officers 2024-2025

  • President: Samuel Vera

  • Vice President: Madison Henderson

  • Secretary: Tye Baker

  • Publicist: Olivia Ratcliff

  • Historian: Jayme Cruz

Tech Theatre

Any students interested in the technical side of theatre can see Mr. Murdock for info about how to help with productions. This is available even for students not enrolled in theatre classes. Sachse Mustang Theatre has a long running relationship with the Garland Summer Musicals. We have developed internships and other opportunities for students in the summer with GSM.

Booster club meetings

Any parents that would like to get more info about joining our Booster Club, please contact our Sachse Mustang Theatre Boosters at