
Meet our Counselors

Group of counselors

Our mission is to provide guidance programs and counseling services to all students in a way that promotes academic success, personal and social growth, and college and career readiness.

Sachse High School Counselors' Vision Statement and Belief Statements

Phone number: 972-414-7450
Follow us on Twitter @CounselorsatSHS

Counselor Student Alpha Title
Jordan, Erica A - Day Counselor
Lopez, Linda De - Ho Counselor
Bloomfield, Corben Hu - M Counselor
Lira, Raeane 9th & 10th ECHS Lead Counselor
Jana Pearcy N - Sa Counselor
McGlynn, Claire SC - Z Counselor
Newman, Jodi 11th & 12th ECHS CCMR Counselor
Blankenship, Andrea PTECH / CTE Counselor

** Counselors are assigned according to students' last names

Counseling Office Staff

Position Name Extension
Registrar Reed, Lisa  ext.63038
Data Clerk Luttrull, Tina ext. 63035
Secretary Moreno, Diana ext. 63032
Aide Bynum, Dawn ext. 63033

Counseling office fax number: 972-414-7459


No student should be subjected to bullying or harassment that interferes with their ability to learn or their safety.

Visit the Bullying Prevention and Investigation page on the district website for more information and resources.

Anonymous Alerts®

You can use the Anonymous Alerts® webform or mobile app to quickly, easily and anonymously report bullying, cyberbullying and other sensitive topics to school officials.

Anonymous Alerts® is monitored by GISD Security 24-hours daily and should only be used for serious and urgent matters. In the event of an emergency or life-threatening event, always call 911.

Submit an Anonymous Alert®

Download the app

To place a report from a mobile device, first download the free Anonymous Alerts® app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. Then open the app and enter activation code garlandisd.