Policies & procedures
Before school car drop off procedures
Before school, cars should enter the parking lot close to Columbine Drive. Then, cars turn left into the parking lot and drop students off in front of the school. Staff members will assist families in unloading children and helping them safely across the parking lot. Family members who need to enter the building must park their cars.
After school car pick up procedures
All students will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m.
Shugart's after school car pick up procedures.
Reporting student absences
If your student will be absent from school please call the school office and let them know.
Absences for some activities and events such as religious holy days and documented health-care appointments may be excused if the student makes up all the work. More information about which activities and events are excused by state law is available in the Student Code of Conduct & Handbook.
Tardies and absences
Students are expected to be in class and seated by 8:00 a.m. Students are considered tardy at 8:10 a.m. Concerning absences, students should turn in an absence note to the school attendance office within three days of returning to school that includes:
student name and I.D. number
a written statement giving the date and reason for the absence(s)
parent/guardian signature
- parent phone number
If the school staff believes a student’s absences are excessive, a personal note from home will no longer be enough to excuse the student’s absence(s). A doctor’s note or another method may be required.
Partial day absences
Students are required to attend school from the time the school day begins until the time the school day ends. A partial day absence occurs when a student is not present for part of the school day.
A student that arrives late or leaves early will get a partial absence.
The school will decide whether the partial absence is excused or unexcused using the same standards used in determining the status of full-day absences.
Monitor attendance
Students and parents can monitor attendance records in Skyward. See Student attendance in Skyward for details. If you have questions about a specific absence, contact the attendance office at your campus.
Campus Improvement Plan
A Campus Improvement Plan serves as the blueprint for how a campus will address performance objectives and other campus needs that have been identified from a Campus Needs Assessment.
Campus Improvement Plan-PDF Version
Title 1
The Campus Parent Involvement Policy explains how our campus supports the important role of parents in the education of their children. We offer a Parent Compact to establish a partnership among parents, school staff, and students for improving student academic achievement.
Online Student Services requests
Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, or request a transcript? It's easy to start common processes at home. Visit the Online Student Services page to get started.
Upcoming instructional model change selection period will be November 9- November 13, 2020. New choice effective date will start January 5, 2021.
If you have additional questions, please contact the campus data clerk.