
The Arts at Stephens Elementary consists of Music and Art as part of the specials rotation. Each student will receive one day of Art and one day of Music for 55 minutes each week.

According to any educational resource you read or hear about, a well rounded education will include the implementation of Fine Arts, such as: Art, Music, Theater, and even literature. 

There are many benefits to including the arts in every child's education. Here are just a few examples of why ARTS in schools are so very important. 

Sparking interests in learning and academic achievements

Increased school attendance

Increased use of cognitive skills

Increases social & emotional learning 

Stimulating students' imaginations 





Be a Garland ISD VIP 

With a special VIP pass, community members can get free general admission to many athletic and Fine Arts events at district facilities.

Visit the Garland ISD VIP pass page for more details.

Clear Bag Policy

To help ensure a safe and respectful environment for guests, Garland ISD has put into effect a Clear Bag Policy for all GISD middle and high school athletic events and fine arts performances.  

Learn more on our Clear Bag Policy page.