
All About that Art


Robin Wall, Art Teacher


Meet Mrs. Wall: 

Greetings all, I am Robin Wall. I have lived in Texas long enough to say that I am from Texas. I am forever a student of Art. I worked for several years as an apprentice Luthier and I have been a professional Photographer and Retouch Artist for a few decades. My family has grown from my Husband, dog, cat, and now our first-born Daughter.  I work in all mediums of art with my specialties being Digital Compositing, Mixed Media, Mural Painting, and Abstract painting. I am excited to share my knowledge with our Stephens Scholars! 

My hobbies include weightlifting, motorcycles, painting, cooking and gardening. I collect enamel pins as well!

Be a Garland ISD VIP 

With a special VIP pass, community members can get free general admission to many athletic and Fine Arts events at district facilities.

Visit the Garland ISD VIP pass page for more details.

Clear Bag Policy

To help ensure a safe and respectful environment for guests, Garland ISD has put into effect a Clear Bag Policy for all GISD middle and high school athletic events and fine arts performances.  

Learn more on our Clear Bag Policy page.