PTA is Parent Teacher Association. Here at Stephens Elementary our PTA aims to improve school experiences for all of our scholars. Parents and teachers work together to foster open communication and build relationships within the community. Your Stephens Elementary PTA is here to support the school year-round with fundraisers, family friendly events, and many more activities to help strengthen our schools atmosphere.
PTA 2024-2025
- President – Shayna Mills
- VP Fundraising/Programs - Aislyn Swonger
- VP of Programs/Volunteers -- Heather Rodriguez
- Treasurer -- Jeff Richter
- Yearbook -- Robin Wall
- Secretary-- Open
- Communications Director-- Open
Join PTA for one payment of $10
- The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is one of the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy associations in the world. Parents and Teachers work together on projects to help benefit, improve and enrich the school experience for our children – something we’re all interested in.
- Keep in touch with what’s going on at the school and what’s coming up.
- Get involved in making decisions about the PTA’s role and projects we’re involved in. We are always in need of volunteers for a wide variety of things.
- Show your children you’re interested in their school and the things that affect them. Encourage them to become involved in their community through your example.
- PTA can take as little or as much time as you have to give. Our general assembly meetings are once a month for about an hour. Volunteers for other projects may spend a couple of hours or many, depending on the job to be done. We can always use your help.
- PTA is for moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles or friends who want to be involved in the lives of the kids they love.
Monthly spirit nights at local restaurants
Spirit Nights are an easy way to generate funds. Stephens PTA will partner with local restaurants/businesses who will give back 10-20% of sales for business brought in by referred friends and family. Dine In, Take Out, or Drive Thru.
Some of the restaurants included in spirit nights are:
Cici's Pizza
Raising Canes
Texas Roadhouse
Side Quest Arcade
Additional PTA information including future events, fundraisers and programs will be provided in Tuesday folders. PTA information is on bright green paper.
Thank you for supporting Stephens Elementary PTA.