There are many opportunities to be an active part of your child's success. Contact our Campus Engagement Coordinator, Jessica Whitehead, for more information.
How to volunteer
Anyone who would like to volunteer must:
- provide a photo ID to the front office
- complete an online application and upload a copy of your photo ID
The online application can be completed at home or the main office of any campus.
What happens next?
- A background check will be performed using the Raptor Volunteer Management System.
- You will receive an email to notify you when you may begin volunteering.
Contact the Campus Engagement Coordinator or campus administration for more information and specific volunteer opportunities.
District volunteer resources
If you are interested in helping out at school by assisting with a class party, helping the teacher in the classroom, reading with students or even chaperoning a trip to the zoo, we want to make it easy for you. Volunteer once, sporadically, or on a regular basis. For the safety of all students, GISD requires all potential volunteers who will work at any campus receive a background check by the Department of Public Safety. If you are interested, please apply to volunteer.
Box Tops for Education lets you earn money for Stephens Elementary using everyday products that you buy for your home. Every time you purchase a Box Top for Education product, trim the Box Top on the dotted line and send it to school with your child. Each Box Top is worth10ยข for our school.