Meet the Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Escobar, Mrs. Rolfe, Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Maisonet
Communication with teachers
Communication between parents and teachers is crucial and critical for school success. We encourage parents to contact their child's teacher at any time. Parents can use email. Use the information in the STAFF tab to locate your child's teacher's email address or click on the teacher name above. Please allow 24 hours for an email response.
Parents can also call teachers. Parents can call during the school day. Messages will be left with teachers as to not interrupt instruction. Kindergarten teachers are more accessible via phone during their conference period.
Grade level conference time
Lunch with students
Lunch Visitors may come on Tuesdays. Gen ed lunch: 11:20-11:50am.
Dual Language lunch: 11:40am-12:10pm
Shoes for PE
We encourage students to wear tennis shoes for their PE days. The gym floors can be slick, and safety is important to us.