Interested in becoming more involved?

Classical Center at Vial PTA general meetings

Our association meetings are held the second Thursday of every month (except January). Please support PTA with your attendance. Parents and teachers achieving more together.

All questions should be directed to the PTA president,  

List of all offices


  • Presiding Officer over the executive board and general PTA.
  • Directs the affairs of the association in cooperation with the other members of the executive board.
  • Carry out the will of the association
  • Secure participation and cooperation from officers, chairmen, and members of the PTA
  • Good organization and communication skills are necessary


  • Aide(s) to the President.
  • Have the ability to represent the president upon request
  • Be ready to assume the duties of the president in case of resignation, until the position can be filled


  • Responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceeding of the association.
  • Record all business transacted at each meeting of the association and executive board
  • Be prompt and accurate in the recording of the minutes
  • Maintain minutes, attendance, reports, and records of association for current and incoming members


  • Keep complete and accurate record s of association’s financial transactions
  • Present a written financial report at all meetings and when requested by association
  • Remit sales tax on either a quarterly or annual basis to the Texas Comptroller
  • Complete and file IRS 990 and appropriate schedules in a timely manner
  • Keep a list of items purchased for the PTA and document cost, ownership and liability.


  • Build an informed and participating membership by enrolling parents, teachers, and interested citizens
  • Assures membership list and dues are sent to Texas PTA Office on a weekly basis
  • Keeps running record of names, phone numbers, and e-mail of PTA members
  • Ensures all deadlines for entries are met
  • Communicates membership goals and achievements to association
  • Provides membership information at PTA events to encourage new membership

Volunteer Coordinator

  • Secure volunteers to assist teachers and work special events
  • Actively recruit new volunteers throughout school year
  • Gather volunteer information throughout year and make information available to PTA Board and school staff
  • Keep accurate account of volunteer hours and report to appropriate authority
  • Keep track of number of volunteers needed and used at each event for future reference
  • Check with school secretary and school calendar for upcoming volunteer opportunities
  • Coordinate volunteers at every PTA event ensuring volunteers are utilized appropriately and have complete understanding of their task.
  • Ensures each teacher has at least one room parent
  • Coordinates with room parents for annual school wide parties


  • Develop with treasurer a sound financial plan apportioning PTA funds to meet the needs of the year’s activities as planned by the PTA
  • Searches out and brings forth fundraising opportunities for approval
  • Oversees all special activities and fundraising projects
  • Coordinates fundraising opportunities at PTA events
  • Oversees spirit wear design and selling opportunities


  • Keeps accurate attendance records of all association meetings and amount of food and drinks used/purchased
  • Plans and organizes
  • Welcome Back Teacher/Staff luncheon
  • Premier Party/Meet the Teacher Night
  • Grandparents Day
  • Teacher Appreciation Week


  • Attends all PTA functions and documents events through photos and words
  • Creates official history of PTA through a scrapbook


  • Attends all meetings of the association and executive board.
  • Advises on matters of parliamentarian procedure when requested

Arts and Education

  • Coordinates yearly Reflections Program in conjunction with State and National PTA Program

Why join PTA?

  • The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is one of the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy associations in the world. Parents and Teachers work together on projects to help benefit, improve and enrich the school experience for our children – something we’re all interested in.
  • Keep in touch with what’s going on at the school and what’s coming up.
  • Get involved in making decisions about the PTA’s role and projects we’re involved in. We have a few positions still available on the PTA Board and always need volunteers for a wide variety of things.
  • Show your children you’re interested in their school and the things that affect them. Encourage them to become involved in their community through your example.
  • PTA can take as little or as much time as you have to give. Our general assembly meetings are once a month for about an hour. Volunteers for other projects may spend a couple of hours or many, depending on the job to be done. We can always use your help.
  • PTA is for moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles or friends who want to be involved in the lives of the kids they love.