Signature programs

Math, Science, Technology Magnet

Watson Technology Center is a K-5 magnet school with an emphasis on math, science, and technology. All subjects are taught with a heavy emphasis on classroom use of technology and hands-on problem solving. Students enjoy enriched learning opportunities such as planting in the greenhouse, forecasting the weather via the weather station, and studying the stars in the portable planetarium.

More information is available on the Math, Science, Technology magnet page.

Here is one of our Watson teachers telling you about what makes Watson MST the place to be: 

Watson MST gardens

Along with our greenhouse, Watson MST has expanded our garden beds. They are being used to conduct research and by our classrooms to further understand our natural environment, in ways that other schools are not able to do. Our Watson MST garden is now also the GISD pilot for the Farm to Cafeteria program. Our students are growing their own food and enjoying eating it for lunch in our school cafeteria. 

Mrs. Moore tends the Watson MST garden.


Check out other programs and activities offered at Watson Technology Center on the Activities page.