Need help with district devices?
For technology help with district-provided Chromebooks, mobile hotspots and iPads, see our page Technology support: Get help with district devices. There, you can find the support request form and resources for setting up and using district-provided technology.
How to stay current with what is happening at Watson
There are many ways you can keep up with what is happening at Watson. Did you know that X is one of the best ways? By following Watson MST on X you will often hear of events first and even the cancelation of activities due to weather.
If you do not have a X account and do not want one you can still follow us and receive those messages at the same time. You can subscribe to the messages via text and receive them on your phone as soon as they are sent. All you have to do is text the number 40404 with the message "Follow @watson_wildcats", you do not include the quotation marks.
If you do have a X account follow Watson MST @watson_wildcats and stay in the loop.
Here are some other X accounts you may find helpful.
- Watson MST PTA @wmstPTA
- Watson Workshop (Makerspace Club) @watsonworkshop
- Official Garland ISD Account @gisdnews
- GISD Council of PTAs @GISDCouncilPTA
- Texas PTA @txstatepta
- National PTA @NationalPTA
Stay connected with Skyward
Skyward is your direct connection to your student's academic information. At your fingertips you have easy access to their grades, attendence, State Assessment results, and much more. Visit the District's Skyward page for a list of everything you can access with Skyward. You can even pick which notifications you receive from the district.
Below, you will find a video on how to access some of the information on Skyward. If you are not already signed up send in your email address and we will get you set up.
You can also access Skyward wherever you are by using their mobile app which is available at Google Play, iTunes App Store, Amazon Appstore, and the Windows store.
Parent FAQ's
- How do I contact my student's teacher if I have a question?
- How do I contact the administration at Watson?
- My student would like to attend Watson MST. How do I enroll them?
- How do I join the PTA?
- How can I volunteer at Watson?
- I can't find the student handbook. Where can I get a copy?
- How does dismissal work at Watson? What is the standardized dress policy?
How do I contact my student's teacher if I have a question?
How do I contact the administration at Watson?
My student would like to attend Watson MST. How do I enroll them?
How do I join the PTA?
How can I volunteer at Watson?
I can't find the student handbook. Where can I get a copy?
How does dismissal work at Watson? What is the standardized dress policy?
Links to helpful websites
Official Garland ISD Links
- Garland ISD Parent Page
- Breakfast and Lunch Menus
- Choice of School
- Parental Involvement
- Transportation
- Online Instructional Resources
PTA links
STAAR resources
Third, Fourth, and Fifth graders participate in The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness program, otherwise known as STAAR. We know that you may have many questions about STAAR and recommend that first you ask your student's teacher any questions that you have. If you would like further information you can find it online. Here are some links to recommended sources of information.
- Texas Education Agency STAAR Resources
- Garland ISD STAAR Page
- lead4ward STAAR Information
Parent-school contract & parental involvement policies
Watson MST - Parent-School Contract
Convenio Padres-Escuela de la escuela primaria Watson MST
Watson MST Parental Involvement Policy
Política de participación de padres de la escuela primaria Watson MST