Policies & procedures
Concerning illness notes
If you have any questions regarding attendance please contact
Anabel Alonso at 972-675-3080 ext 51601.
Illness note policy (printable)
Spanish Illness note policy (printable)
Dress code
2024-2025 Photo ID policy and procedures
At Webb Middle School, students are required to wear photo ID badges. Visible photo identification will help our campus ensure that everyone in the building is supposed to be on that campus, both students and staff. These badges will help us with student safety and security, reward points to students, and for admittance into extracurricular activities, including after-school games/dances. In addition, the photo ID badges can be used in the cafeteria and library. Students must also have their ID badges to participate in free dress days.
Photo ID badge expectations:
· ID badges must be worn at all times while on campus, on field trips, or at school functions.
· ID badges must be prominently displayed by wearing it around the neck on the outside of all clothing, hanging to the front of the body.
· ID badges may not be altered in any way.
Photo ID badge policies and procedures:
· ID badge checks will occur each morning as students enter the building, in 1st period and randomly throughout the day. In addition, 1st-period teachers will check their students' ID badge to ensure they are in compliance.
· When students report to school without an ID Badge, they will receive one at the courtyard door.
· Please allow one business day for the replacement ID's to be completed. Same-day replacement IDs are NOT available.
· The staff at Webb Middle School will email the student when their ID is ready to be picked up in the office.
Lost photo ID badge policy:
· If the original ID badge has been lost, the student will not be able to attend any school functions.
· If a student loses/breaks their lanyard or plastic photo ID badge, they can purchase one from the front office.
· A replacement fee will be charged if a photo ID badge and/or lanyard is lost or stolen.
· Students will be charged $1 for a temporary ID.
· If the student takes care of this before the day's first class, they will not receive an infraction. However, if they wait to take care of this at any time after the first tardy bell, they will be charged an infraction (infractions include tardies, dress code violations, and ID badges). On the fourth infraction, students begin receiving consequences.
Replacement fees
$1 - Lanyards
$1 - Temporary ID badge
$2 - ID badge
We will have the same policy for the 2024-2025 school year. Returning students will be expected to wear their badge on the first day of school. If your student has misplaced their badge, I encourage you to take advantage of purchasing a replacement this week. Fees for the 2022-2023 school year will be:
Replacement fees
$2 - Lanyards
$3 - Temporary ID Badge
$5 - ID badge
The final decision in determining appropriate dress and appearance shall rest with campus administrators.
Bear Pact (discipline)
The Webb Bear Pact has been developed in order to guarantee each student the excellent educational climate that he or she deserves. The Bear Pact is a school-wide discipline plan involving students, parents, and staff members. It consists of guidelines for student conduct and consequences for misbehavior. The plan will be in effect at all times.
Serious violations can result in immediate office referral and visit with principal.
Electronic Device Policy
Cell phones have become a way of life, a technological convenience that has impacted all of our lives in one way or another. However, cell phones have become a distraction, interruption, and method of illegal exchange of information in the school environment. The ringing of the cell phones during class and text messaging takes away from the valuable time needed for instruction and, most importantly, student learning. We recognize that cell phones can be a safety/security tool; however, they can be a detriment in a building emergency and our protocol to manage such crises safely and effectively.
Our mission at Webb Middle School is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for success in college and life. Additionally, our vision is to meet each student where they stand, and propel them forward to achieve excellence!
Our overall campus goal is to create a safe environment, conducive to learning and free of all distractions that hinder the learning process:
- Goal #1: 90% State Accountability Rating
- Goal #2: 90% of students meet expected STAAR proficiency, 60% or above Meets grade-level in the areas of Math and Reading.
- Goal #3: 90% of students meet MAP/TIA growth proficiency in the areas of Science, Social Studies, Math, and Reading.
- Goal #4: 35% decrease in exclusionary consequences (in-school Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions, Alternative School placements) for each grading cycle.
To be consistent with our campus mission, vision, and goals, we will begin a new electronic device policy effective Monday, August 12th . The new policy protects the privacy, dignity, and respect of all staff and students throughout the school day.
Students will not be allowed to use any electronic devices during the school day. This excludes campus-issued Chromebooks or any medically-required devices. Prior to entering the building, students will turn off all electronic devices (cell phones, AirPods, smartwatches, earbuds, headphones...etc.) and will keep them turned off until after school dismissal. Note: Smartwatches may be worn for the watch-feature only. If the student is caught using the messaging or cell features, it will be confiscated.
Electronic devices are expected to be kept in the student’s backpacks at all times. They should not be visible throughout the school day. This includes, but is not limited to: classrooms, hallways, restrooms, cafeteria, gymnasium, library, and other common areas.
The best security for the devices is to be left at home. Parents are urged to utilize the school phone to relay any messages that may be urgent in nature to their child. We will relay any critical information to your child.
NOTE: If a student is found to be in possession of the devices, they will be confiscated and delivered to the main office. A parent or guardian (not the student) must pick up the confiscated items in the main office between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm., or they will be held until the next available pickup times.
Consequences and fees will be as follows:
1st offense:
- No charge
- A parent or guardian will need to sign for the device(s) at the end of the day.
2nd offense:
- $15 fee
- A parent or guardian will need to sign for the device(s) at the end of the day.
3rd offense:
- $15 fee
- A parent or guardian will need to sign for the device(s) at the end of the day.
4th offense:
- The device(s) will be held in the office until the end of the school year.
Additional offenses will be considered an act of insubordination. If a student refuses to comply with a request to surrender the devices by any member of the faculty or staff and/or administrator, the student will be considered insubordinate. Rules governing insubordination will apply as outlined in the student handbook.
We will continue to refer to and enforce GISD School Board Policy FNCE (Local) as described in the Student Code of Conduct. This policy is in the student handbook.
- Students in Garland ISD now have the opportunity to bring their own personal electronic devices to school for educational purposes. With administrator and teacher approval, students may use their devices to access and save information from the Internet, to collaborate with other learners, and to utilize the productivity tools available to them.
Nurse policy
- A clinic is available at Webb for emergencies and illnesses.
- Garland Independent School District School Board policy requires that all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter be kept in the clinic.
- Students will not be dismissed to go home due to illness unless a parent has been notified by the full time registered nurse.
- Students must obtain a pass from their teacher to come to the clinic. Exceptions include: severe bleeding, seizure, problems breathing.
- Students are not to call/text parents prior to seeing the nurse. The nurse will assess the student and if parent notification is needed the nurse will notify parents of student condition.
Title I
The Campus Parent Involvement Policy explains how our campus supports the important role of parents in the education of their children. We offer a Parent Compact to establish a partnership among parents, school staff, and students for improving student academic achievement.
District policies
To support our mission of providing an exceptional education to all students, we have created policies designed to help your student have the best possible education experience.
- Student Code of Conduct & Handbook (PDF)
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) (PDF)
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)-Spanish (PDF)
- Parent Involvement
Visit the Policies page on the district website for additional polices and related information.